By: Michelle Burford - DiN Non-Fiction Editor

I sit on the front porch thinking about the events that transpired that brought me to this place. Why did it have to get to this point? I watched at the dogs around me played with each other as I waited for my aunt’s car to arrive as my sister Kaysie steps out the front door taking a seat right beside me.
“Are you sure you have to leave?” Kaysie wasn’t a very emotional person, but I could tell she was heartbroken by the sorrowful look on her face. She was the first person I told that I was leaving and to say she was mad would be an understatement.
“You know I can’t stay here anymore. I won’t sit here and be broken down by some wannabe father who feels the need to break a person down and build them back up the way he wants.”
Kaysie sighs, but nods.
“You’re so lucky you can leave. I don’t want to put up with the dumb fuck as much as you do.”
It hurts. Having to walk away from my sisters and leaving them here with him. Richard. Who the hell names their child Richard that like asking for some kid to pound their face in. His nickname is literally 'dick' which suits him, but still. I would love to stay, but I can’t take anymore of his bullshit. The belittling. This insistent need of his to break me down because we have a difference in opinion. Fuck that. What hurts the most is I won’t be able to talk to my sisters once I am gone. Knowing him he’ll check their phones periodically to make sure they have little to no communication with me.
“You know Mom’s going to hate you for leaving right?” Of course, I know. He’s got her wrapped around his finger.
“I know. I knew it was a high possibility when I decided to leave. She’s going to side with him because she is too insecure to stand up for herself.” I said turning my gaze back towards the dogs.
“Yeah, she is. Its not her fault that Michael made her feel like shit about herself. That man made her feel like she was worthless and that he was the best she was going to get.” Kaysie said turning her gaze up to the sky.
“Yeah, he did that to all of us Kase.”
We waited another 30 minutes until my aunt’s car came into view as she pulled into the driveway. It was the Tahoe that was owned by the EMS. It was the biggest car she had access too and since I was moving everything out the room was exactly what we needed.
As my aunt pulled up Kaysie and I walked out and began gathering my belongings and stacked it in the back with the help of my cousin Robert.
“Is that it? I thought there might be more?” My aunt stated as she closed the back.
“Nah, everything was already mostly packed since I didn’t unpack anything when I came back from college.”
“Oh, ok. Well, you ready?”
“Yeah, I am ready.”
We said our goodbyes to Kaysie and began our decent down the driveway. Surprisingly I didn’t cry. I thought I was going to be more upset, but its still early so I guess only time will tell when everything will finally him me.
Its for the best.
Michelle Burford is a Junior at NMSU majoring in Animation and Visual Effects with minors in English, Creative Writing and Film. She has a passion for reading and writing and plans to pursue a career as a writer after gaining well rounded experience in publishing.