COVID-19 has taken so much from so many people. The Art and Media board wanted to reflect the mental anguish so many of us have been dealing with. Each piece was carefully selected by our editors to represent our perception of the pandemic, and what the world has been facing. We place a heavy focus on the idea of how the virus spreads and how it has impacted our perception of the world.
"This is a self-portrait because I'm one that is guilty of putting my germ infested hands on my face. My hands to my face add to the expression I'm trying to convey. Listening, with my chin resting on the palm of my hand. Flabbergasted, with my hand placed on my forehead or on my mouth. Upset, with my hand covering my eyes. My hands belong at my side, but my brain thinks they should go on my face."
— Jasmine Gobeo

Stop Touching Your Damn Face?! by Jasmine Gobeo

The portal to another life. We find ourselves cooped up since the pandemic started. For some of us getting outside and exploring has been our only saving grace. Use the portal to step outside your new normal.
Digital Transendance_There by Cierra Redding
COVID-19 feels like it has suffocated our minds. The lack of human interaction and sense of normalcy has us trapped. Thinking and feeling intoxicated with anxiety.

Dizzy, Digital Self-Portrait by Cierra Redding

The only cause of the spread is your ignorance and your lack of courtesy. People don't care about this virus until it impacts their lives dramatically. They should work as much as possible to stop the spread by taking COVID seriously for a change. Kaitlyn tries to tell us this through her art piece, "You did this!" which features a decaying man pointing at himself intimately.
You Did This! by Kaitlyn Moran
We are surrounded by COVID-19 and its effects. Everywhere we go there is the threat of disease and even death. This is the message Jessica’s artwork is conveying. Reminding us that even though we might not personally see them, they are definitely there.

It Surrounds Me by Jessica Brandenburg
Fear_The Reaper Wind by Ben Ashley Kilgore
For some of us during this global pandemic, death is coming. It is a reality that we all must face and COVID has made a lot of us and those around us face that sooner than we would have hoped. We try to convey that message through Ben Ashley’s piece to show that is is charging at us.
The editors for this issue are:
Jessica Brandenburg
Danielle Miranda
Kaitlyn Moran
Pedro Palacios