by Kathryn Miranda

Two headlights suddenly poured light into the darkness and shadows loomed over us as both the rocks and gravel were left at the mercy of the tires. Instincts kicking in, we quickly got to our feet at the sound of the oncoming car and stood to the side of the street, eagerly waiting for it to pass. As I glanced at my two closest friends, their faces illuminated by the dim streetlight, I knew this night was going to be filled with heartfelt conversation regardless of the occasional car that would interrupt the flow of our words. All it took was a glimpse at the surreal blanket of stars above our heads for me to feel at peace with everything that was currently going on in my life.
I have always loved the beauty of the world around me, whether it be the clouds, an ever-changing canvas in the blue sky, or the nearby mountains clustered together, daring to meet the clouds above them—I have always been in appreciation of the natural scenes we often take for granted. Having grown up in the church, I used to imagine the world as a masterpiece of intricate handiwork. There was always something awe-inspiring and comforting in the possibility that everything in existence was in some way an art piece of sorts; a colored canvas presenting us with the opportunity to not only witness this work but to actively partake in its formation. Bonita Park, New Mexico is one of those places where it felt like the artist wanted their stars to be the most cherished component of their piece.
I can still recall that day as if I had lived it a thousand times: the powerful way the wind shrieked and swung the branches of every plant in sight, the distant buzzing and crunching of leaves somewhere deep in the trees, and the sound of tires along the gravel, bringing forth different vans filled with chattering individuals who could not contain their excitement. Although each of us took different routes to get there and some of us drove for longer hours than most, we were all there for one collective purpose. Color-coded schedules in hand, many of us spent the first couple hours settling into our cabins and exploring the campgrounds that we were going to be spending a week of our summer at. It is important to mention that while stargazing was not part of the agenda, it was much more remarkable than any of the planned events printed on paper.
After hours of forced participation had passed, the light of day soon began to dwindle down to nothing as we watched the shadows around us be swallowed up by an impenetrable darkness. Stepping out of the cabin to have a moment away from the bustle of screaming individuals inside, it wasn’t until I tilted my head skyward in the cool of the night that I unexpectedly saw the millions of gleaming stars shining through the void before me. Staring with my mouth agape, my eyes were glued to a view that I still cannot accurately describe even with the most exquisite words. Not wanting to experience this on my own, I remember urging my friends to look up at the sky with me and our necks strained themselves for minutes as we stared above at the scattered stars perfectly placed in the night sky. With them at my side, I felt a smile tug at the corners of my lips as I continued to stare in awe of the absolute radiance of the luminous stars. The blackness was almost absolute, yet the stars shone brighter in the sky, as if to remind us that even in darkness, there is always light to be discovered.
Desperate to let the picture of the stars carry us away, we three found our way in the middle of the street, lying our heads against the jagged concrete to allow ourselves a better view of the silver stars that burned brilliantly against the midnight canvas that swallowed the entire area around us. Laying there in silence, it was easy to get lost in this incredible sight for hours. I couldn’t even tell you what I was thinking that night because every thought seemed insignificant when in the face of something so much greater than the problems that had kept me in a dark place for a good majority of that year. In fact, my eyes were so intrigued by the glorious display above me that I had not even noticed that there were two very threatening headlights approaching the place where we were. With delayed reactions, all three of us stood up and ran to the side of the road, looking bewildered as the car passed us. “Well, that was unexpected,” I said, breaking the silence among us. We exchanged glances, and laughter began to fill the air around us, for we would not let one car stop us from the pure beauty and bliss of the art piece begging us to perceive it.
This was something that could not be captured in a photo, something that cannot be described through the usage of even the most beautiful words; only by seeing the stars through one’s own eyes can someone truly be able to see the beauty of the sky when it is not overpowered by the artificial lights our cities function on. People take for granted the simple things in life, like the stars in the sky, but if they take the time to truly appreciate the beauty of our world, that, in itself, opens a door for an entirely new world to be experienced.
Kathryn Miranda is a student at New Mexico State University who is currently pursuing a Bachelor's in English. She has been interested in all-things writing since the first grade and continues to put to practice this interest by composing a number of short stories, unfinished manuscripts, and essays. Kathryn aspires to use this passion for English to teach and inspire a new generation of writers.