A showcase by: Brad Wright

For our upcoming Micro-zine, the Arts &Media team for Din; which I am part of, has decided to focus on the idea of isolation.
When I saw this beautiful water color done by a freshmen at NMSU, Kristen Munoz, I was captivated by it’s use of color and focal point.
At first glance it almost seems childlike and whimsical in nature, however after spending time with the piece and the artist, it is anything but.
The character featured in the painting is a character the artist said came from a development in her personal therapy that she was attending at the time. Roughly from May 2018 to June of 2020 The umbrella however, ”Made sense to me; when I was struggling with all of the turmoil in my life, I always felt as if I were just one wrong step away from falling back into the feelings of sadness that had gripped onto me for so long. That’s also why I felt I had to center the painting. My life was a treacherous, delicate balance. If I gave up or wasn’t careful with every step I took, I would teeter and fall into the consuming waves of my emotions. ” said Kristen.
This painting to me is a great representation of how our own emotional struggles can isolate us. How we have to be watchful and mindful of ourselves, especially when we are at our lowest points. In the painting I also see hope. For at the end of this journey, when our balancing act is complete and our feet finally find solid land again, there is light.