The colorful image you see above is a piece of artwork by my two-year-old. I’ve thrown a little title on it, but I imagine in years to come she might tell me what her work is called. Obviously, I hope you find the abstract vision as touching as I do. But, for a deeper reason, the image has been chosen. Basically, those little feet and this masterpiece remind me of how special and irreplaceable this moment was before the global pandemic.
Almost everything and everyone felt a level of normal before 2020, particularly in regard to our ability to care for and raise our children. Today is strangely different and the end of the pandemic is nowhere in sight. We do our best regardless, and in a few words, I’d like to offer my best advice to you that I give myself.
In the midst of everyday decisions and redefining protection for our families, we have somehow managed the distance necessary between one another. Sure, most parents have had to give serious consideration to their children interacting with other people’s children. But, what are we supposed to do knowing the fundamental importance of having our children engage with similar age groups?
Becoming a parent is about these exact types of quick adaptations to questions like that. The truth is the pandemic is my opportunity to be a kid more often and it’s yours too. Just do it. Play on the floor, go outside, be inside, always at their eye level, slowly explain the world. We can make everything simple again.
We credit our kiddos with resilience and flexibility right from the time they start taking their own steps independently and talking up a storm. And, in many ways, we get ahead of ourselves being the adult. In reality, we all have a better time living and explaining life at two years old. And, you know what, they are none the wiser that you’re just playing along being a kid because it feels like another kid is there. Sure, they won’t leave you alone once they have you, but that’s how it's supposed to be. You never want to leave your best friend.
Maybe you think you’re too busy, but let me remind you, the majority of your best memories were just being a kid. By digressing into childhood you will be happier during the pandemic. Personality development is in every aspect of we what do for them. Very quickly their burgeoning individuality will be coming out to greet everyone. If your kiddo can’t be around little ones right now because you are protecting them just be sure to be a little kid for them.
I have this painting forever frozen in an image with those little feet at a time when the world was safer. As a proud father, it’s fun to be her first audience and fan. All their brilliance takes is you being a kid and a canvas in covered in globs of paint. Set them free from these times and at the same time do it for yourself.
By Pedro Palacios
- Art and Media Editor
Pedro Palacios was born and raised in southern New Mexico. This is his graduating semester with New Mexico State University English Department.